Dr. Peter A. Levine discusses Smovey Rings and other tools he utilizes in
Somatic Experiencing work. He addresses many basic SE principles and
how these tools can enhance the practitioner's interventions
(18 minutes - sections organized by specific topics)
This video is specifically for Somatic Experiencing Practitioners who want to learn more about using the Smovey Rings in SE Practice. It features Dr. Peter A. Levine demonstrating use of the rings and Dr. Abi Blakeslee, faculty with the Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute, discussing core principles related to the Smoveys in trauma healing work.
This video is a general introduction to the Smovey VIBROSWING-System as an exercise and wellness device, designed specifically for people with neurological conditions such as Parkinson's disease. The second half of the video describes a newer application for Smovey Rings as a tool used in Somatic Experiencing practice, a trauma healing theory and methodology developed by Dr. Peter A. Levine.
In this video Laura Melton, SEP demonstrates the passive application of the Smovey rings with Ilene Blaisch
Check out this great video
I made this video with my SEP friend Galina Denzel. We're both Smovey Ring enthusiasts and had a blast playing with the Smoveys when she visited me in San Clemente. On the bluffs overlooking the ocean, we moved and played and talked about our work with Somatic Experiencing. This video was made for submision to a video contest for the Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute (SETI), and I'm posting here beause it didn't meet the requirements for the the competition but you might enjoy it!
Ilene discussing "Healthy Aggression" with a demonstration at the end of how Smovey Rings can facilitate a connection to this "fight" energy and setting boundaries.
This video is not about Smovey Rings but Peter Levine demonstrating how to address Birth Trauma utilizing the Belicon. It's included because it spontaneously happened while interviewing Peter about Smovey Rings and may be useful!
“The Smovey rings are a useful tool for mobilizing the body in a contained, safe way. They organize energy through sound, movement and rhythm, helping to link the autonomic and somatic (systems).” This is one of the very helpful tools I use along with the Bellicon Rebounder, Tuning Board, Body Blade, and a large gymnastic ball.”
This video is about Smovey inventor, Johann Salzwimmer, an Austrian athlete who suffers with Parkinsons Disease and how the Smoveys helped stabilize his condition. It includes an interview with his neurologist.
Taruno Steffensen,
Steffensen Consulting International
Somatic Experiencing Practitioner
Trauma Coach and Addiction Counselor
"As a Somatic Experiencing (SE) Practitioner and an International Certified Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor, I absolutely love working with the Smovey Rings! I’ve been practicing SE in the United States for 10+ years and use the Smovey Rings in most of my SE sessions with clients. The vibrations are enormously soothing to the nervous system, whether an individual is in a hyper or hypo state. The rings bring him or her to a state of balance and calm pretty quickly. The rings are so smooth and slick, and they appear to guide movement and promote awakening, opening and postural stability.
In my SE sessions and therapy work, the vibrations also facilitate a mindful awareness of and connection to the body’s internal sensations, which is key in all trauma healing. In particular, the vibrations regulate the autonomic organ system to a state of equilibrium and homeostasis. For example, a woman came to me for severe Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) symptoms for years and after two sessions in which she used the Smovey rings, along with SE, she returned to the third session and was ecstatic over feeling “normal.” She has continued to have no issues with her bowel movements and has sustained this for seven months to date.
This product is simple in its own unique design and fantastic in its many applications, including a passive application. Rolling the rings on specific parts of the body and feeling the pleasant sensations of the vibrations, gives tremendous pleasure for my otherwise highly dysregulated and traumatized clients. I absolutely and very highly recommend this product to all professionals that work with trauma and addictions.”
Taruno Steffensen, SEP
Steffensen Consulting International
1825 E. Northern Avenue, Ste. #161c
Phoenix, AZ 85020
Swinging the Smoveys energizes people who come for a session intellectually overloaded, confused, worn out, or just over tired. Once we have used them in one session, some patients walk in, grab the rings, and start swinging and talking in the next sessions.
During a session when I demonstrate how to use the Smoveys, I have often found that patients report calming down just by watching me find a nice rhythm. I can see them settling.
As part of my introduction for patients I say that the Smoveys are novel to our nervous system. The sound, vibration, momentum, and color are novel. This novelty draws the attention of our nervous system, and we sync ourselves to the rhythm.
I also use the Smoveys in group presentations of about 30 people. I demo the Smoveys, then I ask the group what changes they notice in me. Then I offer the Smoveys for others to try. Always a handful of people want to try them.
One young man in treatment for addiction zealously started swinging during a group presentation. Whenever I saw him on campus he was walking on his toes, a toe walker. During the presentation when he began making a large circle, swinging and striding with the Smoveys, he started out walking on his toes. After a couple of circles he was walking using his heels and his pace had slowed. I wish someone could have prescribed the Smoveys for him to use regularly.